We hear a lot about how technology is shaping the future of work – booming digital industries, apps for finding work, and artificial intelligence. But these conversations often exclude many of the people who are most affected by technological change – workers, especially precarious workers. In the first episode of Lovers and Fighters, Ausma sits down with Jennifer Hollett and Kay Dyson Tam to talk about their love of technology and their fights to make sure the #futureofwork is decent.
Kay Dyson Tam has worked at the intersection of tech, community organizing, and decent work for a number of years. She is the Manager of Impact and Innovation at Eva’s Initiatives for Homeless Youth.
Jennifer Hollett is a ‘smash up of tech, news, and politics.’ When we talked to her, she was the Head of News and Government at Twitter Canada.
Get Connected
Coworker.org is a platform for worker organizing and campaigning, in a specific company or across an industry when you don’t have a union.
The Better Way Alliance is a network of employers and non-profits championing a decent work strategy, for the good of workers and the economy.
Civic Tech Toronto is a community interested in understanding and finding solutions to Toronto’s civic challenges through technology and design.
Ausma focused on caregivers and domestic workers in her closing of the episode. The Caregivers Action Centre is organizing domestic workers for decent work and fairness.
Here is Jenn’s article on the #futureofwork, where she asks “when we look at the future of work, are we asking the same questions?”
Kay recommends Grace Blakely’s article “Robots Aren’t Coming for our Jobs – Capitalists Are” for a reframing of the discussion on artificial intelligence and our changing economy.
As Ai-Jen Poo says, domestic workers are the original gig workers. Alex Rosenblat wrote a great article on the impact of the gig economy on domestic workers, which can be found here.