Millennials are having fewer children than previous generations. Why? The reasons are as diverse as this generation, ranging from personal preference to affordability to apprehensions about the fate of the planet. In the final episode of this series, Ausma talks to Alana Powell and Carolyn Ferns about how the realities of work and childcare are shaping these crucial decisions.
Alana Powell is a graduate student in Early Childhood Studies at Ryerson University, Task Force Member and Facilitator with the Decent Work Project at the Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario.
Carolyn Ferns is the Public Policy and Government Relations Coordinator for the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care.
Get Connected
The Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care is a membership organization of child care centres who advocate for universal, affordable, high quality, not-for-profit child care in Ontario.
The Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario is a professional association focused on advocacy for ECEs’ working conditions and fair wages. If you want to support the campaign for decent work for early childhood educators, click here.
This is the Early Childhood Education and Care in Canada series that Carolyn mentioned.
For more information on the fight for high quality and accessible early childhood education in Canada, check out the Atkinson Centre and the most recent Early Years Report.