We have talked a lot about how economic transitions and the precarious nature of work are affecting millennials, but they aren’t taking these changes lightly. In some digital industries, including media, some younger workers are using their voice, collective power, and union organizing tools to make their work decent. In this episode, Ausma gets advice from Tannara Yelland and Ahmad Gaied, who have organized their own workplaces. They also reflect on their experiences as young people active in unions, the role for millennials in union leadership, and the future of the labour movement.
Tannara Yelland is a journalist, editor, freelance writer, and was a part of the union drive for Vice Canada. Read her work here.
Ahmad Gaied is the Executive Vice President of the Ontario Federation of Labour and a long-time community advocate. You can reach Ahmad via email at agaied@ofl.ca.
Get Connected
The Ontario Federation of Labour is an umbrella group for working people and their unions in Ontario. They convene a Young Workers’ Assembly in tandem with their annual convention. They are also behind the Make it Fair campaign that advocates for labour law reform in solidarity with the Fight for $15 and Fairness campaign.
Canada’s Prime Minister and Finance Minister told young workers to get used to ‘job churn’ – check out the story.
Kashana Cauley reflects on growing up in a union family and lays out why millennials should lead the next labour movement.
In the US, millennial workers have played a major role in increasing union membership.
Digital media companies have been major sites of organizing over the past few years: learn about Gawker’s experience (now Gizmodo Media Group) and Vice Canada’s experience (featuring Tannara in a lead role.)
Ahmad spoke about solidarity between workers and students at York University – get the story here.